Thursday, October 11, 2018

If you decide to get a flu shot, be sure to know these points.

In the flu season, flu vaccination is an effective measure to prevent flu. The elderly with basic diseases and children with relatively weak resistance are the key vaccinators. The best time to get a flu shot is before the start of the annual flu season. After one week of flu vaccination, antibodies can be produced. After two weeks, the immune antibody reaches the highest level and is generally protected for one year.
If you decide to get a flu shot, be sure to know these points.

You have to understand these misunderstandings:

1. Misunderstanding: last year's flu vaccine can still be played this year

Positive solution: flu vaccines vary from year to year

Unlike the common cold, the flu is an acute respiratory infection caused by a highly susceptible influenza virus. It can be divided into three types: A, B, and C. Each type is subtyped. In fact, basically the beginning of the annual analysis of the flu virus began to produce vaccines, so that the annual flu vaccine is changing.

2. Misunderstanding: Everyone is suitable for flu vaccine

Positive solution: pregnant women and severe allergies should be cautious

Not everyone is suitable for flu vaccination, such as people who are allergic to eggs and any kind of vaccine components and those with severe chronic diseases can not be vaccinated; fever, acute infection, acute chronic diseases should be postponed vaccination; pregnant women and severe allergies Physical fitness should be carefully selected for vaccination.

3. Misunderstanding: no cold after flu shot

Positive solution: still cause colds caused by bacteria, etc.

Health care workers said that vaccination against the flu does not mean that they will not catch a cold. The flu vaccine is only for the flu. It only produces antibodies against the flu virus, but it does not prevent or resist the cold caused by bacteria, other viruses or mycoplasma. ability. Therefore, some people have caught a flu vaccine and have caught a cold. They think that the vaccine has no effect, but it is not.

4. Misunderstanding: "One-time benefit" for a flu vaccine

Positive solution: should be injected once a year

A vaccination against a flu vaccine does not mean “lifelong benefit”. It is necessary to know that there are many types of viruses, and the virus that causes the flu every year is also different. Therefore, the flu vaccine should be injected once a year. Every time the flu vaccine is effective for about a year, people who have been vaccinated last year will still need to be revaccinated this year to get protection.

5. Misunderstanding: "Immediately effective after vaccination"

Positive solution: antibody produced after half a month

According to reports, even if the flu vaccine is injected, it takes half a month to produce antibodies for prevention purposes. Therefore, it cannot be considered that antibodies can be produced immediately after inoculation, which requires a process. It is not immune to the flu virus before it is produced.


These common senses should be remembered

There are three types of influenza, type A, type B and type C, and the "killing power" of different types of flu is different. Influenza B is seasonally prevalent, such as the popularity of winter and spring, which can cause local outbreaks in crowded places, such as schools, child care institutions or nursing homes. Influenza C is generally sporadic, mainly affecting infants and young children, causing less epidemics, and the harm is not great.

Many people in life have had flu, body aches, coughs, and fever. Although they are uncomfortable, some people take a few days off and they will recover from a cold. The most harmful is the influenza A virus, because the influenza A virus not only produces seasonal epidemics and local outbreaks, but also causes a global pandemic.

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